Vitor Sousa

Data Science | Deep Learning | Machine Learning | Software Engineering
I'm a data scientist. I write about data related topics on my blog. Check out my project portfolio and online resume.

What I do

I have more than 3 years' experience building data science solutions for different business and industries. I have experience working with data science, deep learning, machine learning, and software engineering. Want to find out more about my experience & projects? Check out my online resume and project portfolio.

Data Science

Use data to solve problems. I have experience in data analysis and visualization using Python and R. I have also worked on machine learning projects including classification, regression, and clustering. Click on the link for more

Deep Learning

I have experience building deep learning models using Python. I am familiar with popular deep learning libraries such as Keras and PyTorch. I solve problems like image classification, object detection, and natural language processing.

Data Visualization

I have experience creating interactive data visualizations using Python. I am familiar with popular visualization libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly and have experience creating interactive dashboards using Plotly Dash and Streamlit. I'm also familiar with Tableau and Looker for creating interactive dashboards and reports for business intelligence and data analytics.

Machine Learning

I have experience building machine learning models using Python. I am familiar with popular machine learning libraries such as Scikit-Learn and XGBoost. I solve problems like classification, regression, and clustering.


I'm experience in build machine learning models using Python.

Model Productization

I have experience deploying machine learning models using Python. I am familiar with popular deployment libraries such as Flask and FastAPI. I have experience deploying models to cloud platforms such as Azure. I use Mlflow to track and manage machine learning experiments, and I use Docker to containerize applications. I use Kafka to build data pipelines to save and process data.

Query Languanges

I have experience working with SQL and NoSQL databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Cassandra. I have experience working with data warehouses such as Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse, and Snowflake, and I have experience working with data lakes such as Azure Data Lake and AWS S3,

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